1. Я смотрю 100 (или больше) фильмов в 2009 году.
2. Я веду им счет в этом посте.
3. Я записываю каждый фильм, который посмотрел.
4. Если хотите мне что-то порекомендовать, рекомендуйте.
5. Если есть что сказать, говорите.
Дата просмотра
Мой рейтинг
Рейтинг IMDb
Любимые фильмы
1. 17.01 - Clerks/Клерки
8/10 7.9/10
Director: Kevin Smith
Writer: Kevin Smith (written by)
2. 18.01 - Clerks II/Клерки 2
8/10 7.8/10
Director: Kevin Smith
Writer: Kevin Smith (written by)
3. 13.01 The Dark Knight/Темный рыцарь
10/10 9.0/10
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writers (WGA): Jonathan Nolan (screenplay) and Christopher Nolan
4. 10.01 Zack and Miri Make a Porno/Зак и Мири снимают порно
5/10 7.5/10
Director: Kevin Smith
Writer (WGA): Kevin Smith (written by)
5. 17.01 Taken/Заложница
8.5/10 7.9/10
Director:Pierre Morel
Writers (WGA):Luc Besson (written by) & Robert Mark Kamen (written by)
6. 14.01 Brokeback Mountain/Горбатая гора
10/10 7.8/10
Director: Ang Lee
Writers (WGA): Annie Proulx (short story), Larry McMurtry (screenplay)
7. 15.01 The Descent/Спуск
5.5/10 7.4/10
Director: Neil Marshall
Writer: Neil Marshall (writer)
8. 12.01 Team America: World Police/Отряд Америка
6/10 7.3/10
Director: Trey Parker
Writers (WGA): Trey Parker (written by) & Matt Stone (written by)
9. 18.01 Meet Dave/Знакомтесь Дейв
7/10 4.5/10
Director: Brian Robbins
Writers (WGA): Rob Greenberg (written by) & Bill Corbett (written by)
10. 18.01 Burn After Reading/После прочтенния- сжечь
8/10 7.4/10
Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen
Writers (WGA): Joel Coen (written by) & Ethan Coen (written by)
11. 21.01 LOST (1 season)
10/10 9.1/10
Creators: J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber, Damon Lindelof
12. 24.01 LOST (2 season)
13. 28.01 LOST (3 season)
14. 29.01 LOST (4 season)
15. 30.01 Bolt/Вольт
6.5/10 7.6/10
Directors: Byron Howard, Chris Williams
Writers: Dan Fogelman, Chris Williams (screenplay)
16. 31.02 Maverick/Маверик
9/10 6.8/10
Director: Richard Donner
Writers (WGA): Roy Huggins (television series Maverick), William Goldman (written by)
17. 01.02 The Village/Таинственный лес
6.8/10 6.6/10
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Writer (WGA): M. Night Shyamalan (written by)
18. 02.02 Bedtime Stories/Сказки на ночь
6.5/10 6.3/10
Director: Adam Shankman
Writers (WGA): Matt Lopez (screenplay) and Tim Herlihy (screenplay)
19. 03.02 Стиляги
5.5/10 7.5/10
режиссер: Валерий Тодоровский
сценарий: Юрий Коротков, Екатерина Половнева, Сергей Валяев
20. 04.02 Charlie's Angels/Ангелы Чарли
7/10 5.5/10
Director: McG
Writers (WGA): Ivan Goff (TV series) and Ben Roberts (TV series)
21. 04.02 Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle/Ангелы Чарли: Только вперед
6.5/10 4.7/10
Director: McG
Writers (WGA): Ivan Goff (television series) and Ben Roberts (television series)
22. 04.02 Jumper/Телепорт
7.5/10 5.9/10
Director: Doug Liman
Writers (WGA): David S. Goyer (screenplay) and Jim Uhls (screenplay)
23. 07.02 Cast Away/Изгой
8.5/10 7.4/10
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Writer (WGA): William Broyles Jr. (written by)
24. 07.02 Atlantis: Milo's Return/Атлантида: Возвращение Майло
3.0/10 4.8/10
Directors: Victor Cook, Toby Shelton
Writers: Henry Gilroy (writer), Thomas Hart (main writer)
25. 07.02 Men in Black /Люди в черном
7.5/10 6.9/10
Director: Barry Sonnenfeld
Writers (WGA): Lowell Cunningham (comic), Ed Solomon (screen story)
26. 08.02 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl/Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Черной Жемчужины
9.5/10 8.0/10
Director: Gore Verbinski
Writers (WGA): Ted Elliott (screen story) & Terry Rossio (screen story)
27. 09.02 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest /Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца
9.0/10 7.3/10
Director: Gore Verbinski
Writers (WGA): Ted Elliott (written by) & Terry Rossio (written by)
28. 09.02 Dexter (1 season)
10/10 9.1/10
Developed by James Manos, Jr.
Writers: Jeff Lindsay (novels) &· James Manos, Jr. (TV series)
29. 11.02 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End /Пираты Карибского моря: На краю земли
7.3/10 7.0/10
Director: Gore Verbinski
Writers (WGA): Ted Elliott (written by) & Terry Rossio (written by)
30. 13.02 House M.D./Доктор Хаус (1 season)
10/10 9.2/10
31. 14.02 Banlieue 13/13 район
6/10 7.1/10
Director: Pierre Morel
Writers: Luc Besson (writer), Bibi Naceri (writer)
32. 15.02 Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium/Лавка чудес
7.5/10 6.2/10
Director: Zach Helm
Writer (WGA): Zach Helm (written by)
33. 15.02 House M.D./Доктор Хаус (2 season)
34. 15.02 Once Upon a Time in Mexico/Однажды в Мексике
6/10 6.2/10
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Writer (WGA): Robert Rodriguez (written by)
35. 18.02 House M.D./Доктор Хаус (3 season)
36. 18.02 Step Up/Шаг вперед
8.5/10 6.0/10
Director: Anne Fletcher
Writer (WGA): Duane Adler (screenplay) and Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay)
37.19.02 Strictly Ballroom/Строго по правилам
8.5/10 7.1/10
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Writer (WGA): Baz Luhrmann
38.21.02 A Knight's Tale/История рыцаря
9.0/10 6.6/10
Director: Brian Helgeland
Writer (WGA): Brian Helgeland (written by)
39.22.02 RocknRolla/Рокенрольщик
6.5/10 7.4/10
Director: Guy Ritchie
Writer: Guy Ritchie (written by)
40. 22.02 House M.D./Доктор Хаус (4 season)
41. 22.02 Juno/Джуно
9.0/10 8.0/10
Director: Jason Reitman
Writer: Diablo Cody (written by)
42. 28.02 Quarantine/Карантин
7.0/10 6.2/10
Director: John Erick Dowdle
Writer: John Erick Dowdle (screenplay) & Drew Dowdle (screenplay) .
43.28.02 Seven Pounds/Семь жизней
8.2/10 7.6/10
Director: Gabriele Muccino
Writer: Grant Nieporte (written by)
Март44. 01.03 The Myth/Миф
8.5/10 6.1/10
Director: Stanley Tong
Writer: Hai-shu Li (writer), Stanley Tong (writer)
45. 07.03 Watchmen/Хранители
9.0/10 8.3/10
Director: Zack Snyder
Writers (WGA): David Hayter (screenplay) and Alex Tse (screenplay)
46. 08.03 Backdraft/Обратная тяга
8.0/10 6.6/10
Director: Ron Howard
Writer (WGA): Gregory Widen (written by)
47. 09.03 Twister/Смерч
8.5/10 6.0/10
Director: Jan de Bont
Writer (WGA): Michael Crichton (written by) &Anne-Marie Martin (written by)
48. 14.03 Contact/Контакт
9.0/10 7.3/10
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Writer: Carl Sagan
49. 15.03 Mad Max/Безумный Макс
6.0/10 6.9/10
Director: George Miller
Writer: George Miller (story) and Byron Kennedy (story)
50. 15.03 Mad Max 2/Безумный Макс 2
7.0/10 7.6/10
Director: George Miller
Writer:Terry Hayes (written by) & George Miller (written by)
51. 22.03 Dexter (2 season)
10/10 9.1/10
Developed by James Manos, Jr.
Writers: Jeff Lindsay (novels) &· James Manos, Jr. (TV series)
52. 22.03 The Blue Lagoon/Голубая лагуна
7.0/10 5.0/10
Director: Randal Kleiser
Writer: Henry De Vere Stacpoole (novel), Douglas Day Stewart (writer)
53. 23.03 Return to the Blue Lagoon /Возвращение в голубую лагуну
5.0/10 4.2/10
Director: William A. Graham
Writer: Henry De Vere Stacpoole (book), Leslie Stevens (screenplay)
54. 24.03 Мы из будущего
6.0/10 7.2/10
Director: Andrei Malyukov
Writer: Kirill Belevich (written by), Aleksandr Shevtsov (written by)
55. 26.03 The Cell/Клетка
9.0/10 6.1/10
Director: Tarsem Singh
Writer: Mark Protosevich (written by)
56. 26.03 >Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome/Безумный Макс 3. Под куполом грома»
8.0/10 5.8/10
Director: George Miller, George Ogilvie
Writer: Terry Hayes (written by) & George Miller (written by)
Апрель57. 01.04 Dexter (3 season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Developed by James Manos, Jr.
Writers: Jeff Lindsay (novels) &· James Manos, Jr. (TV series)
58. 03.04 Alf (1 season)
8.5/10 7.5/10
Creators: Paul Fusco. Tom Patchett
59. 03.04 WALL·E
9.0/10 8.6/10
Director: Andrew Stanton
Writer: Andrew Stanton (original story) & Pete Docter (original story)
60. 03.04 Slumdog Millionaire/Миллионер из трущоб
9.9/10 8.6/10
Director: Danny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan (co-director: India)
Writer: Simon Beaufoy (screenplay) and Vikas Swarup (novel)
61. 08.04 FairyTale: A True Story/Волшебная история
10/10 6.2/10
Director: Charles Sturridge
Writer: Albert Ash (story) & Tom McLoughlin (story) ...
62. 09.04 Alf (2 season)
63. 14.04 Ronin
8.2/10 7.2/10
Director: John Frankenheimer
Writer: J.D. Zeik (story), J.D. Zeik (screenplay)
64. 15.04 Alf (3 season)
65. 19.04 The lost room/Пропавшая комната
9.0/10 8.4/10
66. 22.04 Alf (4 season)
67. 22.04 Nell
10/10 6.2/10
Director: Michael Apted
Writer: Mark Handley (play), William Nicholson (screenplay)
68. 22.04 Photographing Fairies
7.0/10 6.8/10
Director: Nick Willing
Writer: Chris Harrald (written by), Steve Szilagyi (book)
69. 23.04 Sara
7.5/10 6.3/10
Director: Maciej Slesicki
Writer: Maciej Slesicki
70. 24.04 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
9.0/10 7.8/10
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writer: Steven Spielberg
71. 25.04 The Frighteners/Cтрашилы
8.0/10 7.0/10
Director: Peter Jackson
Writer: Fran Walsh (written by) & Peter Jackson (written by)
72. 25.04 Heartbreakers/Сердцеедки
7.5/10 6.1/10
Director: David Mirkin
Writer: Robert Dunn (written by) and Paul Guay (written by)
73. 26.04 2012 Doomsday/2012 судный день
2.0/10 1.9/10
Director: Nick Everhart
Writer: Nick Everhart, Naomi L. Selfman (story)
74. 26.04 Kill Bill: Vol. 1/Убить Билла
8.0/10 8.2/10
Director: Quentin Tarantino
Writer: Quentin Tarantino, Uma Thurman
75. 26.04 Be Kind Rewind/Перемотка
6.5/10 6.6/10
Director: Michel Gondry
Writer: Michel Gondry
76. 26.04 The Ice Harvest /Ледяной урожай
5.0/10 6.2/10
Director: Harold Ramis
Writer: Richard Russo (screenplay) & Robert Benton (screenplay)
77. 27.04 Юленька
7.5/10 4.9/10
Director: Aleksandr Strizhenov
Writer: Grigori Podzemelny (written by), Valentin Spiridonov (written by)
78. 28.04 Twilight/Сумерки
9.0/10 6.1/10
Director: Catherine Hardwicke
Writer: Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay), Stephenie Meyer (novel)
79. 28.04 Iron man/Железный человек
7.5/10 8.0/10
Director: Jon Favreau
Writer: Mark Fergus (screenplay) & Hawk Ostby (screenplay)
80. 29.04 Oldboy
9.0/10 8.3/10
Director: Chan-wook Park
Writer: Garon Tsuchiya (story), Nobuaki Minegishi (comic)
81. 30.04 The Unborn/Нерожденный
5.0/10 4.5/10
Director: David S. Goyer
Writer: David S. Goyer
82. 30.04 Max Payne
6.5/10 5.5/10
Director: John Moore
Writer: Beau Thorne (screenplay), Sam Lake
Май83. 02.05 Inhyeongsa/Кукольник
5.0/10 5.4/10
Director: Yong-ki Jeong
Writer: Yong-ki Jeong
84. 02.05 Galgameth
6.5/10 5.3/10
Director: Sean McNamara
Writer: Sang-ok Shin (story), Turi Meyer (earlier screenplay)
85. 02.05 X-Men Origins: Wolverine
9.0/10 7.0/10
Director: Gavin Hood
Writer: David Benioff (screenplay) and Skip Woods (screenplay)
86. 04.05 Edward Scissorhands/Эдвард руки-ножницы
10/10 8.0/10
Director: Tim Burton
Writer: Tim Burton (story) & Caroline Thompson (story)
87. 05.05 The Day the Earth Stood Still/День, когда Земля остановилась
4.5/10 5.6/10
Director: Scott Derrickson
Writer: David Scarpa (screenplay), Edmund H. North (1951 screenplay)
88. 06.05 Milk
8.0/10 8.0/10
Director: Gus Van Sant
Writer: Dustin Lance Black (written by)
89. 07.05 Australia
9.0/10 7.0/10
Director: Baz Luhrmann
Writer: Stuart Beattie (screenplay) and Baz Luhrmann (screenplay)
90. 09.05 Spy Kids
6.0/10 5.7/10
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Writer: Robert Rodriguez
91. 09.05 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
8.0/10 8.2/10
Director: David Fincher
Writer: Eric Roth
92. 11.05 Inkheart
6.0/10 6.2/10
Director: Iain Softley
Writer: David Lindsay-Abaire (screenplay), Cornelia Funke (novel)
93. 13.05 El laberinto del fauno
8.0/10 8.5/10
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Writer: Guillermo del Toro
94.15.05 Evolution
7.0/10 5.8/10
Director: Ivan Reitman
Writer: Don Jakoby (story), David Diamond (screenplay)
95. 16.05 Anna and the King
7.0/10 6.5/10
Director: Andy Tennant
Writer: Anna Leonowens (diaries), Steve Meerson (screenplay)
96. . 16.05 LOST (5 season)
10/10 9.1/10
Creators: J.J. Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber, Damon Lindelof
97. 19.05 House M.D./Доктор Хаус (5 season)
10/10 9.2/10
98. 20.05 Криминальный квартет
8.9/10 5.5/10
Director: Александр Муратов
Writer: Борис Гиллер
99. 23.05 The Prestige
9.0/10 8.4/10
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writer: Jonathan Nolan (screenplay) and Christopher Nolan (screenplay)
100. 28.05 Tideland
7.0/10 6.5/10
Director: Terry Gilliam
Writer: Terry Gilliam
Июнь101. 03.06 Up
10.0/10 9.1/10
Director: Pete Docter, Bob Paterson
Writer: Bob Paterson
102. 03.06 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
6.0/10 6.1/10
Director: Shawn Levy
Writer: Robert Ben Garant (written by) & Thomas Lennon (written by)
103. 07.06 Private Parts
8.0/10 6.6/10
Director: Betty Thomas
Writer: Howard Stern (book), Len Blum (screenplay
104. 08.06 Wuthering Heights
10/10 6.6/10
Director: Peter Kosminsky
Writer: Emily Brontë (novel) and Anne Devlin (writer)
105. 09.06 Pride & Prejudice
8.5/10 7.8/10
Director: Joe Wright
Writer: Jane Austen (novel), Deborah Moggach (screenplay)
106. 10.06 The Langoliers
7.5/10 5.8/10
Director: Tom Holland
Writer: Stephen King (novel), Tom Holland (teleplay)
107. 12.06 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
8.5/10 8.9/10
Director: Milos Forman
Writer: Lawrence Hauben (screenplay) and Bo Goldman (screenplay)
108. 12.06 Lola rennt
10/10 8.0/10
Director: Tom Tykwer
Writer: Tom Tykwer
109. 12.06 The Fall
9.0/10 8.0/10
Director: Tarsem Singh
Writer: Dan Gilroy (screenplay) and Nico Soultanakis (screenplay)
110. 13.06 Dead Poets Society
10/10 7.8/10
Director: Peter Weir
Writer: Tom Schulman (written by)
111. 13.06 Terminator Salvation
6.0/10 7.1/10
Director: McG
Writer: John D. Brancato (written by) & Michael Ferris (written by)
112. 14.06 The Phantom of the Opera
10/10 7.3/10
Director: Joel Schumacher
Writer: Gaston Leroux (novel), Andrew Lloyd Webber (stage musical)
113. 14.06 Free Jimmy
5.0/10 6.1/10
Director: Christopher Nielsen
Writer: Christopher Nielsen (writer), Simon Pegg (English screenplay)
114. 18.06 Californication (1 season)
8.0/10 8.7/10
Creator: Tom Kapinos
115. 22.06 The Secret Garden
9.0/10 7.1/10
Director: Agnieszka Holland
Writer: Frances Hodgson Burnett (book), Caroline Thompson (screenplay)
116. 22.06 Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
9.0/10 6.1/10
Director: Tom Tykwer
Writer: Andrew Birkin (screenplay) & Bernd Eichinger (screenplay
117. 24.06 Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
9.0/10 7.2/10
Director: Michael Bay
Writer: Ehren Kruger (written by) & Roberto Orci (written by)
118. 27.06 Xena: Warrior Princess (1 season)
10/10 6.8/10
Creators: John Schulian, Robert G. Tapert
119. 27.06 You Don't Mess with the Zohann
5.0/10 5.7/10
Director: Dennis Dugan
Writer: Adam Sandler (written by) & Robert Smigel (written by)
июль-август120. 03.07 Cleaner
7.0/10 6.1/10
Director: Renny Harlin
Writer: Matthew Aldrich (written by)
121. 03.07 Push
7.5/10 6.1/10
Director: Paul McGuigan
Writer: David Bourla (written by)
122. 03.07 My Bloody Valentine
2.0/10 5.9/10
Director: Patrick Lussier
Writer: Todd Farmer (screenplay) and Zane Smith (screenplay)
123. 04.07 Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
7.0/10 7.6/10
Director: Carlos Saldanha, Mike Thurmeier (co-director)
124. 04.07 Crank: High Voltage
7.0/10 6.9/10
Director: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Writer: Mark Neveldine (written by) & Brian Taylor (written by)
124. 04.07 The Last House on the Left
8.5/10 6.9/10
Director: Dennis Iliadis
Writer: Adam Alleca (screenplay) and Carl Ellsworth (screenplay)
125. 05.07 Lie to me (1 season)
6.0/10 /10
Creator: Samuel Baum
126. 05.07 Mr. Brooks
8.5/10 7.4/10
Director: Bruce A. Evans
Writer: Bruce A. Evans (written by) & Raynold Gideon (written by)
127. 05.07 Sex and the City
5.0/10 5.5/10
Director: Michael Patrick King
Writer: Michael Patrick King (written by), Candace Bushnell (book)
128. 09.07 Death note/Death note: The last name
8.0/10 5.5/10
Director: Shusuke Kaneko
Writer: Tsugumi Ôba & Takeshi Obata
129. 09.07 Death note: L: Change the World
7.0/10 5.5/10
Director: Hideo Nakata
Writer: Tsugumi Ôba & Takeshi Obata
130. 10.07 Stardust
9.0/10 8.0/10
Director: Matthew Vaughn
Writer: Jane Goldman (screenplay) & Matthew Vaughn (screenplay)
131. 11.07 The Nightmare Before Christmas
8.0/10 8.0/10
Director: Henry Selick
Writer: Tim Burton (story), Michael McDowell (adaptation)
132. 11.07 Corpse Bride
8.0/10 7.5/10
Director: Tim Burton, Mike Johnson
Writer: Tim Burton (characters) and Carlos Grangel (characters)
133. 12.07 Dogville
10/10 7.9/10
Director: Lars von Trier
Writer: Lars von Trier (written by)
134. 12.07 Knowing
7.5/10 6.6/10
Director: Alex Proyas
Writer: Ryne Douglas Pearson (screenplay) and Juliet Snowden (screenplay)
135. 13.07 The Terminal
7.5/10 7.1/10
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writer: Andrew Niccol (story) and Sacha Gervasi (story)
136. 14.07 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
7.0/10 6.6/10
Director: Patrick Tatopoulos
Writer: Danny McBride (screenplay) and Dirk Blackman (screenplay)
137. 14.07 City of Ember
8.0/10 6.4/10
Director: Gil Kenan
Writer: Caroline Thompson (screenplay), Jeanne Duprau (book)
138. 16.07 The Colour of Magic
7.5/10 7.3/10
Director: Vadim Jean
Writer: Vadim Jean (written by), Terry Pratchett (novels)
139. 16.07 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
8.0/10 8.3/10
Director: David Yates
Writer: Steve Kloves (screenplay), J.K. Rowling (novel)
140. 07 Phoebe in Wonderland
8.5/10 7.0/10
Director: Daniel Barnz
Writer: Daniel Barnz
141. 08 Lady in the Water
8.5/10 7.0/10
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Writer: M. Night Shyamalan
142. 08 Brother Bea
7.0/10 6.6/10
Director: Aaron Blaise, Robert Walker
Writer: Tab Murphy (screenplay) and Lorne Cameron (screenplay)
143. 08 Ring of the Nibelungs
6.0/10 6.6/10
Director: Uli Edel
Writer: Diane Duane (written by) & Peter Morwood (written by)
144. 08 Scrubs (1 season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Creator: Bill Lawrence
145. 08 Spellbinder (1 season)
9.0/10 8.2/10
Сентябрь146. 03.09. Scrubs (2 season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Creator: Bill Lawrence
147. 07.09 Scrubs (3 season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Creator: Bill Lawrence
148. 09.09 Scrubs (4 season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Creator: Bill Lawrence
149. 12.09 Scrubs (5 season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Creator: Bill Lawrence
150. 13.09 Scrubs (6season)
9.0/10 9.2/10
Creator: Bill Lawrence
151. 14.09 Oliver Twist
6.0/10 7.0/10
Director: Roman Polanski
Writer: Charles Dickens (novel), Ronald Harwood (screenplay)
152. 14.09 Pi
7.0/10 7.6/10
Director: Darren Aronofsky
Writer: Darren Aronofsky
153. 15.09 Hard Candy
8.0/10 7.2/10
Director: David Slade
Writer: Brian Nelson
154. 16.09 Spellbinder (2 season)
9.0/10 8.2/10
155. 17.09 Каникулы строгого режима
6.0/10 7.5/10
Director: Igor Zaytsev
156. 19.09 Willow
7.5/10 7.1/10
Director: Ron Howard
Writer: George Lucas (story), Bob Dolman (screenplay)
157. 20.09 Merlin
8.5/10 6.9/10
Director: Steve Barron
Writer: David Stevens (teleplay) and Peter Barnes (teleplay)
158. 26.09 Sweet November
7.5/10 5.9/10
Director: Pat O'Connor
Writer: Herman Raucher (1968 screenplay), Paul Yurick (story)
159. 28.09 Californication (2 season)
8.0/10 8.7/10
Creator: Tom Kapinos
Октябрь160. 02.10 Heroes (1 season)
8.6/10 8.4/10
Creator: Tim Kring
161. 03.10 Heroes (2 season)
8.6/10 8.4/10
Creator: Tim Kring
162. 03.10 Sorority Boys
4.5/10 5.0/10
Director: Wallace Wolodarsky
Writer: Joe Jarvis (written by) & Greg Coolidge (written by)
163. 05.10 Skellig
8.5/10 6.3/10
Director: Annabel Jankel
Writer: David Almond (book), Irena Brignull (screenplay)
164. 05.10 White Chicks
6.5/10 5.0/10
Director: Keenen Ivory Wayans
Writer: Keenen Ivory Wayans (screenplay) & Shawn Wayans (screenplay)
165. 07.10 The Darwin Awards
8.5/10 5.8/10
Director: Finn Taylor
Writer: Finn Taylor
166. 08.10 9
9.0/10 7.2/10
Director: Shane Acker
Writer: Pamela Pettler (screenplay), Shane Acker (story)
167. 11.10 Case 39
6.0/10 6.5/10
Director: Christian Alvart
Writer: Ray Wright (written by)
168. 12.10 Heroes (3 season)
8.6/10 8.4/10
Creator: Tim Kring
169. 14.10 Peaceful Warrior
7.0/10 7.0/10
Director: Victor Salva
Writer: Kevin Bernhardt (screenplay), Dan Millman (novel)
170. 15.10 Duplex
8.0/10 5.7/10
Director: Danny DeVito
Writer: Larry Doyle (written by)
171. 16.10 The Butterfly Effect
8.8/10 7.8/10
Director: Eric Bress, J. Mackye Gruber
Writer: J. Mackye Gruber (written by) & Eric Bress (written by)
172. 17.10 Journey to the Center of the Earth
5.0/10 5.9/10
Director: Eric Brevig
Writer: Michael D. Weiss (screenplay) and Jennifer Flackett (screenplay)
173. 19.10 Zombieland
6.0/10 8.3/10
Director: Ruben Fleischer
Writer: Rhett Reese (written by) & Paul Wernick (written by)
174. 20.10 100 Girls
8.0/10 5.8/10
Director: Michael Davis
Writer: Michael Davis
175. 20.10 Senseless
6.0/10 5.4/10
Director: Penelope Spheeris
Writer: Greg Erb (written by) & Craig Mazin (written by)
176. 20.10 Good Luck Chuck
7.5/10 5.6/10
Director: Mark Helfrich
Writer: Josh Stolberg (screenplay), Steve Glenn (short story)
177. 21.10 Kate & Leopold
6.5/10 6.2/10
Director: James Mangold
Writer: Steven Rogers (story), James Mangold (screenplay)
178. 21.10 Shakespeare in Love
8.0/10 7.4/10
Director: John Madden
Writer: Marc Norman (written by) and Tom Stoppard (written by)
179. 21.10 Französisch für Anfänger
5.0/10 6.5/10
Director: Christian Ditter
Writer: Christian Ditter
180. 21.10 Angels & Demons
8.0/10 6.8/10
Director: Ron Howard
Writer: David Koepp (screenplay) and Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)
181. 22.10 Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence
6.5/10 6.1/10
Director: Nick Hamm
Writer: Peter Morgan
182. 22.10 The Secret of Moonacre
4.5/10 6.2/10
Director: Gabor Csupo
Writer: Lucy Shuttleworth (screenplay) & Graham Alborough (screenplay)
183. 24.10 Surrogates
5.0/10 6.5/10
Director: Jonathan Mostow
Writer: Michael Ferris (screenplay) & John D. Brancato (screenplay)
184. 26.10 Orphan
7.0/10 7.2/10
Director: Jaume Collet-Serra
Writer: David Johnson (screenplay), Alex Mace (story)
185. 27.10 G-Force
5.0/10 4.7/10
Director: Hoyt Yeatman
Writer: Cormac Wibberley (screenplay) & Marianne Wibberley (screenplay)
186. 28.10 Nodame Cantabile Dorama
Director: Такэути Хидэки, Кавамура Ясухиро
187. 29.10 Romeo and Juliet
9.0/10 7.8/10
Director: Franco Zeffirelli
Writer: William Shakespeare (play), Franco Brusati (screenplay)
Ноябрь188. 01.11 28 Days Later
7.0/10 7.6/10
Director: Danny Boyle
Writer: Alex Garland
189. 02.11 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
5.0/10 5.3/10
Director: Simon West
Writer: Sara B. Cooper (story) and Mike Werb (story)
190. 03.11 Singin' in the Rain
9.0/10 8.4/10
Director: Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly
Writer: Adolph Green (story) and Betty Comden (story)
191. 06.11 Bones (1 season)
9.0/10 8.5/10
Creator: Hart Hanson
192. 07.11 Bones (2 season)
9.0/10 8.5/10
Creator: Hart Hanson
193. 12.11 Bones (3 season)
9.0/10 8.5/10
Creator: Hart Hanson
194. 13.11 Trick 'r Treat
7.0/10 7.3/10
Director: Michael Dougherty
Writer: Michael Dougherty
195. 17.11 The Sound of Music
9.0/10 7.9/10
Director: Robert Wise
Writer: Howard Lindsay (book) & Russel Crouse (book)
196. 17.11 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
5.0/10 5.2/10
Director: Jan de Bont
Writer: Dean Georgaris (screenplay), Steven E. de Souza (story)
197. 18.11 Artificial Intelligence: AI
8.5/10 6.9/10
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writer: Brian Aldiss (short story "Supertoys Last All Summer Long"), Ian Watson (screen story)
198. 20.11 Dragonheart
8.0/10 6.2/10
Director: Rob Cohen
Writer: Patrick Read Johnson (story) & Charles Edward Pogue (story)
199. 20.11 Dragonheart: A New Beginning
8.0/10 4.6/10
Director: Doug Lefler
Writer: Patrick Read Johnson (characters) and Charles Edward Pogue (characters)
200. 20.11 Dragonheart: A New Beginning
8.0/10 4.6/10
Director: Doug Lefler
Writer: Patrick Read Johnson (characters) and Charles Edward Pogue (characters)
201. 21.11 Penelope
6.5/10 7.1/10
Director: Mark Palansky
Writer: Leslie Caveny (written by)
202. 21.11 Merlin (1 season)
7.5/10 7.9/10
Creators: Johnny Capps, Julian Jones, Jake Michie
203. 23.11 Rain Man
7.8/10 8.0/10
Director: Barry Levinson
Writer: Barry Morrow (story), Ronald Bass (screenplay)
204. 23.11 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
6.5/10 7.5/10
Director: Phil Lord, Chris Miller
Writer: Judi Barrett (book), Ron Barrett (book)
205. 23.11 Девчата
9.0/10 8.7/10
Director: Yuri Chulyukin
Writer: Boris Bednyj (writer)
206. 24.11 Hachiko: A Dog's Story
9.0/10 8.4/10
Director: Lasse Hallström
Writer: Stephen P. Lindsey (screenplay), Kaneto Shindô (motion picture "Hachiko monogatari")
207. 24.11 Jennifer's Body
5.0/10 5.5/10
Director: Karyn Kusama
Writer: Diablo Cody (written by)
208. 24.11 ZOO
9.5/10 8.1/10
Director: Masaki Adachi, Ryu Kaneda
Writer: Otsuichi (novels), Usamaru Furuya (screenplay)
209. 25.11 Sleepy Hollow
9.0/10 7.5/10
Director: Tim Burton
Writer: Washington Irving (story), Kevin Yagher (screen story)
210. 28.11 2012
6.0/10 6.4/10
Director: Roland Emmerich
Writer: Roland Emmerich (written by) & Harald Kloser (written by)
211. 30.11 Книга мастеров
5.5/10 4.6/10
Director: Vadim Sokolovsky
Writer: Vadim Sokolovsky (screenplay), Anna Starobinets (screenplay)
Декабрь212. 01.12 17 Again
7.5/10 6.5/10
Director: Burr Steers
Writer: Jason Filardi (written by)
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